Existing Shower Application B5

Existing Shower Application

Please ensure all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn and used as directed in the MSDS.


  • Water
  • Chlorine
  • Scrubbing Brush
    • CWM Part 1
    • CWM Part 2
    • Slip Resistant Aggregate
    • Rollers small
    • Matting paste (depending on finish required)
  • Recommended Joint Adhesive
  • Caulking Gun
  • 75 mm plastic scraper
  • Bucket
  • Grout
  • Grout Float
  • Mixing trowel
  • Part 1 Clear Waterproofing Membrane
  • Water
  • Mixing paddle
  • Roller (small)
  • Bucket
  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Protective Waterproof Suit
  • Gum Boots
  • Vapour Mask

Throughout this guide you will see videos highlighted, they will provide examples of how to go about attending to the items discussed in the paragraph, all videos can be viewed via https://www.remedialmembranes.com.au/downloads/

Please read the entire installation guide before commencing work.


Step 1: Remove all existing silicone, place Stanley knife on each side of silicone and pull down to remove silicone. Use a scraper to remove excess silicone. Video 26

Step 2: Wet the surface to ensure the cleaning agent only cleans the surface and does not soak into the tiles or the grout.

Step 3: Clean the entire surface so it is free from grease, grime, mould, fungi and dust. The area MUST be free from mould spores (general supermarket mould killers are not good enough) we recommend using a 1:1 ratio of Chlorine and Water to kill mould spores. Still, a compatibility test should be done before application to ensure no negative or adverse reaction to possible sealants and grouts etc. Refer to the required Personal Protective Equipment listed on the Cleaning Agent: Gloves, goggles & masks as are necessary for CWM application should be worn during cleaning with chlorine.

Step 4: Surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and flushed to remove any residue. Place a plastic bag over the shower rose so no drips fall onto the membrane during application.


Step 5: Check to see if there is any loose material and or substances that may diminish adhesion like loose tiles or grout on the area you wish to apply the Remedial Membranes Clear Waterproofing Membrane (CWM). If you identify some loose tiles, you can adhere these to the sub straight with Recommended Joint Adhesive (if compatible with existing membrane) Video 15. As this is a neutral cure adhesive, it does not require to cure completely prior to CWM’s application.

If there is any missing grout replace the grout with as close a match as you can and allow curing time listed on the packaging. If you need to repair the shower in 1 day and do not have time to wait for the grout to cure then use the recommended caulking to fill the void/s. Video 14

Please note: if at any time you remove a tile and the sub straight is soft to touch like a sponge, you have water damage. You may require a specialist to investigate; your water damage may have gone into the building materials and require additional repair.

Step 6: Mechanically dry the shower until moisture is completely gone. We recommend using a small fan heater in conjunction with a heat light or lamp to speed up the drying process. Drying could take anywhere from 30mins to 1 day depending on how much water is sitting in your shower floor. Video 25

SEALING STONE (if required)

Step 7: If you have stone tiles, you will need to seal the stone using CWM Penetrating Sealer. To make the sealer you will dilute the membrane. Mix up 1:1 ratios, Part 1:Water then add 10% Part 2 this will thin the membrane down to be almost water like. Approx. 100ml or 3.3oz of each per coat required for a standard shower of 900x900mm or 3x3ft. If very porous it may require two (2) coats of the sealer. Once the first coat is applied, wait until the surface returns to the original colour before applying the next sealer coat if required. Video 24


Step 8: Try and identify where the leak/s may be coming from, look for cracks in junctions between the wall and the floor and cracks through the floor where expansion might have occurred over time.

Apply the Joint Adhesive in all the junctions between floor and wall, wall and wall to above the shower rose Video 18. Remove the waste grate and seal the bottom of the waste grate to the puddle flange, also applying the caulking from the tile to the waste grate and scraping it back to ensure there is no raised profile. Fill any movement cracks and with The Recommended Joint Adhesive creating an on-top expansion joint for future movement Video 11. (If using an SMX polymer caulk then the membrane can be applied at any time over the caulk, if recommend silicone is being used membrane must be applied to the caulk within 1 hour). Choose from a range of colours to suit your application (i.e. clear is the easiest to use, but other colours are available, generally if you have white tiles, a white adhesive is recommended).


FinishGlossSatin / Matte
1st CoatPart 1 + Part 2 (10-20%)Part 1 + Part 2 (10%)+ Aggregate
2nd CoatPart 1 + Part 2 (10%)

Part 1 + Paste 2.5% Satin or 5% Matte+ Aggregate NO Part 2

Step 9: Gloss finish then both coats will be for part 1 & 2. Mix in between 10% volume part 2 to part 1 the more part 2 you mix in the thicker the membrane will be. Shower Tray Kits are premeasured to contain 20% part 2 to part 1 volume. We now recommend only using 10% part 2 to avoid it getting too thick for use if you are unfamiliar with the process.

For a Satin or Matte finish measure our how much Part 1 you will require for the first coat and only apply part 2 in the first coat. The second coat will include part 1, Matting Paste & Slip Resistant Aggregate.

Externally Mix CWM2 liquid slowly into CWM1 liquid while stirring to ensure proper mixing. Always add CWM 2 to CWM1. Allow the mix to stand for 5 mins prior to use.

In cooler climates the part 1 will be thickened start by mixing in 50ml of Part 2 if you find the membrane too thin pour the rest of the part 2 into Part 1 the consistency should be similar to a thick paint. Addition of the part 2 will increase thickness.

If the membrane becomes too thick you can add up to 5% water once.

Shower Tray Kit have been specifically measured to ensure a standard shower will achieve the desired 500micron thickness (.5mm). Please Note: Once membrane is mixed it only has a life of approx. 4-hour period so only mix up what you are going to use immediately.

Step 10: Apply the CWM with a 4mm nap hair roller in all the junctions between the wall and the floor, as high as required but at least 100mm. Preferably start this from a grout joint and work down, and 100mm in from the floor perimeter

Step 11: Apply CWM to a nap roller or small roller and move around the surface in one direction ensure complete coverage but do not leave puddles of the product.

Please Note: runs and puddles are prone in the corners, if they occur, simply wipe over them with a brush.

Mechanical drying can be done between coats to quicken up the cure time of the first coat.

Step 12: Ensure the first coat is touch dry and fully transparent; ensure that there is no visible whitening especially in the junctions between wall and floor


Step 13: For Gloss finish mix in part 1 & part 2 with Aggregate

For Satin or Matte finish Mix in Matting or Satin Paste with the aggregate mixing the aggregate continuously to ensure it does not settle. Apply the second coat of CWM in all the junctions between the wall and the floor with the nap roller. Apply as high as the previous coat, and 100mm in from the floor perimeter.

If your shower is larger and you cannot reach in from the door, then I would recommend completing the two (2) perimeter coats first followed by applying the infill coats this way you don’t need to work on top of a fresh soft membrane that can be easily damaged.

If you have gloss walls and matte/satin floor then mix in extra amount of membrane so that you have enough to do the second coat on the walls with the first mixture and in the second mixture mix enough matte/satin for the floor only (no part 2).

Step 14: Leave to dry overnight with open window and good ventilation, product will completely cure in seven (7) days.

Step 15: Always follow customer care instructions

Please feel free to contact Jasmin Technical Advisor if you would like to discuss your project and the application outlined above on 0405 9300 59

Frequently Asked Questions

Shower can be used next day, but full cure occurs between three (3) to seven (7) days so if using in this time please wipe dry after use.

The membrane has been tested successfully using 1:10 bleach to water ratio.

While the membrane is going through its curing process, it will react differently when it comes in contact with water. If used within the curing time expect to have a whitish reaction, but once dry, will return to clear and transparent.

After application, the Membrane is clear but not invisible. You generally won’t notice much of a difference when it is applied on gloss tiles; however, if installed on matt tiles or stone, you will notice an enriched colour and a glossy finish similar to what the tiles look like when wet.

Mould is an amazing bacteria from mother nature for the destruction of an object, but is usually unwanted in our homes. As such, the membrane has anti-mould properties similar to silicone, but the best way to avoid mould in your shower is to dry it after use and encourage natural ventilation and light.